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Order Your Customized Arabian Perfume Oil For Your Special Event As Souvenir With Free Blog Advertisement

You can make orders for customize perfume oil souvenir for your special occasion and get a free blog advertisement with pictures and video clips at an affordable price.

We customize varieties of 10 different perfume oil with free blog advert as a free promotional offer once you patronize us for your gift items during special events such as wedding, birthday parties, Child dedication, Christmas, Ramadan, House Opening, anniversary, memorial service, burial, festive season etc. 

All you need to do is to send us the following details:

1. Picture of the celebrant for customization with a few important pieces of information for the job.

2. Details for free blog advertisement for the event to include; the date of birth, hobbies, best meal, desired destination travel, date of the event, colours of the day

3. Evidence of bank payment for your order

 For further enquiries on customized perfume oil and bulk purchase contact us on Wats App or call us on; 08142207708. You can visit us @ is our online store to shop quality clothing accessories, perfume oil, board games etc

Arabian 3ml perfume oil 50 pcs with free blog advertisement = N 50,000 (Negociable)

Arabian 3ml perfume oil 100pcs with free blog advertisement = N 90,000 (Negociable)

Arabian 3ml perfume oil 1000pcs with free blog advertisement = N 750,000 (Negociable)

Product Description Of Perfume Oil

This product contains a set of 12 oil-based perfume that contains above 6 different exotic fragrance (3 ml per bottle) Our exotic set of oil perfume is suited for those that appreciate the value of quality scent and class. You can select different fragrance or combination of two different fragrance for a unique scent that can hardly be identified for each day of the week without breaking the bank. This product is guaranteed to last for 72 hours on fabric by applying on the palm before touching this unique product on your dress. 

How to Use.

⦁ Apply perfume oil on pulse points, the wrists, inside of the elbows, the base of the neck, the navel, behind the ears, behind the knee, at the breast bone or cleavage. As the heartbeats, these areas are continually warmed releasing a steady and regular stream of fragrance.

⦁ Apply the fragrances 30 minutes before going out to allow all the elements to develop and all the notes to mature. After 20 minutes, the perfume oil would have blended with your body scent and all components would have been warmed up to their peak.

⦁ Maximize the effects of our fabulous perfume oil by wearing different perfume oil of a similar scent or similar notes. Our perfume oils are well known for their long-lasting fragrance and give you that same designer scent at a low cost. 

⦁ Make sure the yellowish colour of the designer oil perfume is not directly applied to a white fabric in other not to get noticed. The best perfume oil to apply on your white dress are those with extremely transparent perfume oil. The most suitable way to apply it on a piece of white fabric is by selecting a transparent design like water or by rubbing non-transparent perfume oil properly on the palm and apply gently on a white dress to avoid stain. 

Coloured cloths are ideal for non-transparent perfume oil. It is best to apply directly on the armpit region of the fabric if necessary for a long-lasting period and the neck region.

You can notify us to make orders on the perfume oil suitable for white dresses, men and women. You can reach us on our wats app line; 08142207708 or our blog;



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