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Super Eagles kick off and Mystic Marcus prediction in Russia 2018 world cup

Nigerians awaits the Super Eagles kick off of their first game in the 2018 World Cup in Russia against Croatia at Kaliningrad Stadium by 8pm. There are lots of hopeful anticipation of Mystic Marcus, the black micro piglet that predicted Nigeria to be one of the countries that would qualify for Russia 2018 semi finals.

Mystic Marcus predicted other countries to include; Belgium, Argentina and Uruguay.

The owner,  Juliette Stevens reported that Mystic Marcus has a 100% winning record.

Juliette who is a farmer and micro pig breeder in England used 32 apples with flags of all the participating countries and Mystic Marcus was made to eat the four semi-finalists.

                       Super Eagles of Nigeria

                             Coratian team

According to the the owner, Mystic Marcus is the 7th child of a 7th Child and they are gifted with special powers.

After eating Argentina, he sniffed out Saudi Arabia and Iran before choosing Nigeria.

Alex Iwobi

According to Juliette, the pig also rightly guessed the winner of the 2014 World Cup, Donald Trump as United States  president by first eating an apple with Donald Trumps picture and not eating Hilary Clinton's picture on the other apple.

The 8 year old piglet predicted Wimbledon tennis finals and any football match he didn't eat any of the apples, turns to a draw.

               Nigerian citizen preparing to watch Super Eagles play live in Russia against Coratia

You can order for the new New Super Eagles Jersy.
contact us on +2348066804955/+2348142207708 or leave a comment below.

Wishing Super Eagles a successful performance at Russia 2018 world cup.


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