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Hello and happy new month to everyone. My Name is Chinedu Edwin Mgbokwere the Founder and CEO of Edwin Goldmine Foods Ltd.  I was inspired to write a ghost written book titled “15 Rules of Achieving a Billionaires Dream” on 10th  April, 2014. Achieving a billionaires dream does not literally mean you must worth a billion dollars. It means achieving that desired aspiration you want to attain in life. If your desired aspiration in life is to worth a billion dollars with the good works you do today coupled with the great mindset of creating jobs and developing the lives of people in Africa and the world at large, you definitely will. 

Alhaji Aliko Dangote is one of my role models that i wish to see someday. His ambition towards changing Africa with his products, job creation and service to humanity inspired me to become creative coupled with great entrepreneurs like; Bill Gates, Mark  Zukerberg, and late Steve Jobs. I would like everyone to go through the preview of the first chapter of the book below. The book is a 200 page book with 15chapters. It’s so inspiring and i would like my role model to have the book i started writing on his 57th birthday being April 10, 2014 to be published by him. 
It has to be published by him because the book will motivate those who have given up on their dreams not to relent on their desired aspiration regardless the adversities they face today.

 I believe its God that gave me the wisdom to put this together like it was Alhaji Aliko Dangote that wrote it himself. Wherever you are Sir, God wants to use this book to change the mindset of people to believe that “Nothing is Impossible” to achieve. I need to give this book to you in person. Africa is the most blessed continent in terms of natural resources but yet; the poorest as a result of our mindset. If we can all put our effort in what we do for the benefit of the future generations, Africa will become a continent that is made with Gold. I now see obstacles as a means of strength instead of weakness. According to Thomas Carlyle; 

“The block of granite which was an obstacle in the pathway of the weak became a stepping stone in the way of the strong” You will enjoy the preview of this great book.

Thanks in anticipation for reading through...

I dedicate this book to an inspiring uncle alhaji sanusi abdulkadir dantata whom without him, i wouldn’t have made it this far. May his soul rest in peace. All thanks to allah for making this work a huge success.


This book is for everyone especially to those that see the sun at midnight. I literally mean the big thinkers and those that want to change Africa and the world at large. I bless the generation of blacks in this present day 21st century for achieving greatness. It is in this century that a black man ruled America. Successful people in the music industry are filled with blacks. One of the richest women in the world in the likes of Oprah Winfery, Folorunsho Alakija, coupled with other entrepreneurs doing it big on Forbes for humanity. Great thanks to Warren Buffet, Bill and Melinda gates foundation for the great fight towards eradicating Polio and Malaria in Africa.
I also want to use this medium to thank young African entrepreneurs desirous to change Africa and the world at large with their dexterity and talent. Martin Luther’s dream came true; we changed things and rewrote history!


Everyone wants to come out of financial hard times but seem not to take the right rules of achieving financial freedom. You need rules to guide you to the path of your destiny. If you want to be free from financial struggle, financial wisdom and knowledge is required of you to get out of financial bondage in other to gain financial freedom forever. If truly you want to achieve your billionaires dream, a copy of this book will guide your path to great wealth and happiness.




The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going- Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Why where you born?
Some were born great, some achieved greatness, and some were bestowed with greatness, which was your category? This was the question my uncle asked me when I came for long holiday vacation because he got complaint from my mum about how much I spent my time unresourcefully by playing with my folks consistently when I was a teen. Aliko; it’s in your hands to become a failure, to achieve success and to achieve greater success. These words sank into my ears like a coin that has been dropped from a high elevation into the Atlantic. I began to realize that I had to plan myself and know where i was heading to in other to make my dreams a reality.

‟All personal achievements start in your mind. The first step is to know exactly what your problem, goal or desire is.” ‒ W. clement Stone

“Nobody becomes successful until its purpose has been discovered, utilized with consistency and a purposeful planned action of achieving success by setting a goal.”

There’s this saying that goes: Young people would see vision and the old will dream dreams. In today’s world, vision is what we need. Only hard work, passion and perseverance would make you achieve it. But in the case of dreaming, they hardly come to reality and if they do, they take a whole lot of time to manifest. Martin Luther’s dream of a black man to rule America started manifesting decades later (Barack Obama). It’s easier to achieve a vision than to achieve a dream. Your vision is the stepping stone to your dreams. Every child is born with a purpose. When he grows up to start realizing his potentials, he puts them into practice to accomplish perfection with the intent of making his vision a dream come true. An achiever is not born, he or she is made. This is my little illustration about life. I call it the ladder of life.

Despite the fact I was still a little boy from a family of business moguls, I had the flare for business just like my maternal family but I was considering myself too little to start thinking about starting life that early. The words from my uncle was a wakeup call to start developing  myself for the future and till today, am glad I harkened to the words of the wisest man I’ve ever met.

There are categories of people who dream based on the level of their desired aspiration;

1.     People who dream big dreams,
2.     People who dream small dreams and
3.     People who have no dream.
I remember a friend of mine who loves dreaming little and each time I asked him his reasons, he tells me he only dream of things that are easier for him to achieve and finally, ended up little with his career. It’s not bad to dream little though, but if you want to attain the height of exponential success as an entrepreneur, you must dream big.

Change the kind of person you are today by changing the size of your dreams. Dreaming is free. It will only cost you nothing to dream big so why dream little?

                 I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big ‒ Donald trump.

Don’t be just a dreamer
Guess we are all conversant with this quote: “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride” it’s truly not just about dreaming but having a strategic plan and working towards your goal makes it a dream come  true. I started doing business as early as 8. There was a particular sweet in my days that was so popular and every kid of my age was so intrigued about the product. I was watching the T.V when I saw the advert of this particular new product with different colours and flavours of all kinds. I thought about bringing the product to my school with the intention of selling it to my folks when the holiday vacation was over.   
One fateful day, I knew my older female cousin was going to the market to get some food stuff so I asked her to get a carton with my little savings together with the little money I got from my aunty the day she came to the house to visit. Finally, she got back home with the carton of sweet I asked her to buy. I rushed to the street to show my folks the new product they have long been awaiting for; to my greatest surprise, the  pack of sweet were sold within few days. This was a product I intend selling when school reopens.    
The product made me popular and the demand for that sweet got higher beyond my imagination. I was too little to go to the heart of town (that is the big commercial market of Kano) to buy more of those products so I made a deal with my older cousin sister to help me purchase the product. This time around, I needed a loan from her in order to get a whole cartoon due to high demand of the product from my age grades living in the same locality with me. She was just 15 years of age. We had an agreement that in every cartoon I sell, she has a profit of 20%. I was satisfied with the negotiation just as she was satisfied with her side of the bargain.

The holidays were finally over and most of my customers introduced the new product in their various schools. This enhanced a great networking of my product which was scarce and of high demand to pupils even older than I was. What am trying to make you understand here is that you don’t just dream and expect accomplishments. Things don’t work that way. You work towards making that accomplishment a reality.

You become a leader when you set a goal, make a plan and then throw your whole heart into making it a reality” says Brian Tracy the American business author in his book “The 100 absolutely unbreakable laws of business success.” You need to see and maximize opportunities whenever they come your way. That was how I saw my opportunity to sell those products when I was a little boy and with the mind set of distributing those products to other schools as my mission, I achieved those little goals of mine.
There are two types of dreamers;

1.     People who dream while asleep. (The day dreamers)
2.     People who dream while awake. (The dream chaser)

 The people who dream while asleep lose every opportunity and that is the reason why they are called “the day dreamers.” They dream while asleep to realise that all their dreams are being achieved by those who stay awake while they were asleep. The day dreamers see the success of those who worked sleepless night for their success.  The dreamers who do not sleep chase their dreams wild awake and that is the reason why they are called “the dream chasers.” They are called the dream chasers because; they chase their dreams while awake and not while asleep. The wild awake dreamers make their dreams a reality with the great work they commit themselves in doing. Those who dream while awake experience the dawn of prosperity
When the day dreamers wake up in the morning, they see the success of those wild awake like a dream. The day dreamers wake up in their long sleep to see the success of those that are wild awake and ask; what happened?
The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work-Emile Zola.

The Spirit of Hard Work and Determination
The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work according to Vidal Sasson the British hair dresser, businessman and philanthropist. For some reasons, people think living the life of success is on a platter of gold but the truth is most successful people work harder than the average people. Booker. T. Washington once said; “If a man would reach the highest success, he must pay the price.”To start with, I don’t work 12hours a day. I work at least 18 hours a day. On weekends, I don’t work at all.

   Success may be described as “realization of an aim” and for the realization of any aim, hard work is essential. Hard work enables you develop your potential to the peak and motivate you to strive for excellence.        
         Successful people in every field are often said to be blessed with talent or even lucky but the truth is many worked harder than average people can ever imagine. Hardworking and determined athletes like Michael Jordan spent his offseason taking hundreds of jump shots a day. When Jordan first entered the league, his jump shot wasn’t good enough so he decided to take his time to improve his jump power by taking hundreds of jumps a day. His determination and hard work paid him off as one of the greatest basketball players in history.

In a piece at, phil Jackson, one of Michael’s long term coach had to tell the world that Jordan’s defining characteristics wasn’t his talent but rather having the humility to know he had to work constantly to beat the best.
If people know how hard I had to work to gain my mastery,it wouldn’t seem wonderful- Michelangelo(painter)

“Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm” says Winston Churchill. Behind every human effort lies a hope for success. You must remember that today’s failure is the pillar of tomorrow’s success. They will provide you with opportunities to realize your short comings in other to constantly strive to improve oneself for the best.

One of Hong Kong business magnate Li Ka –Shing who is one of the richest man in Asia and a dominate figure in Hong Kong’s economy started outworking every other staff as a teenager. At the age of 15, Li Ka-Shing had left school and was working for 16 hours in a plastic factory after the death of his father. He told Forbes how he quickly became a sales man, out sold everybody else and became the factories general manager at 19.In 1950, he started his own business (Cheung Kong Industries) and was doing almost everything including the accounting all by himself. Today, he En route to building a $31Billion empire with his companies in 55 countries and has a work force of over 220,000 staff worldwide.

Talent is cheaper than salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful ones is a lot of hard work - Stephen king.

                                                     Chocolate Peanut Bar

Mgbokwere Chinedu Edwin (Ghost Writer) 


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