Egg contains every single bit of almost every nutrient the body needs for a healthy living. It contains Vitamin D, E, K, B6, Zinc and calcium with 6 grams of protein, 5 grams of healthy fat, and 77 calories. Below are the benefits of consuming eggs 1. Eggs Contain antioxidants like Lutein and Zeaxanthin which helps to build up the retina and the risk of having eye cataracts. 2. Eggs Contain Choline which aids to improve liver function. 3. Eggs helps in the development of healthy hair, skin and nails with the aid of biotin that is a B complex vitamin. 4. Eggs have a high amount of protein and it is among the list of satiating food that helps one to eat less during the day and regulates weight loss. 5. Eggs contain a high level of vitamin D that makes the bone strong. 6. Eggs increase the HDLs in the body which is the good cholesterol that reduces the risk of stroke and heart disease. 7. Egg helps to boost energy. 8. Eggs helps to...
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